Way back in 1687 Sir Isaac Newton wrote down his famous three laws of motion. Now, centuries later, these three basic rules have finally found their use.
You are presented a hands-on experience seeing these basic laws of physics being applied to the shape you have just drawn.
You can combine object with pins and hinges to create machines that come to life as they are affected by gravity. Make clever use of their momentum to reach your goal.
Make clever use of physic to collect all flags in each level.
Video Walkthroughs here:
Levels 1-11
Levels 12-26
The shapes that you draw are affected by gravity, friction and inertia. Use these properties in your advantage.
The red ball (or red square in some levels), is the object that
collects the flags.
Draw the objects in such a way that they push the ball in the
desired direction.
Use the mouse to draw an object.
You cannot draw inside other objects.
Draw a circle by holding the left mouse button.
You can use pins and hinges to link two objects together.
Hold S and click inside an object to draw a pin.
Draw a second object on top of the pin to link the two object
Hold D to draw a hinge. It works the same as with a pin,
except that now the two objects can rotate with respect to each
To erase a single object hold down A as you left click a shape.
Press space to restart the level.
Magic Pen music:
Play the sequel, Magic Pen 2:
Magic Pen is an online puzzle game developed by Alejandro Guillen, and has been played 5568025 times on
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