New waves of invading enemy units are passing through your valley. Like before, it is up to you to stop these forces.
Use your gravitational canon to shoot unstable projectiles into clusters of tanks and setoff a chain reaction of explosions. Just be careful not to let those projectiles explode to close to yur location, or you will be out of business before you know it.
Fire gravitational projectiles into enemy units.
Make sure you don’t let too many units through and don’t allow your canon to be destroyed.
Use the mouse to fire the canon. Click the centre and drag it back to set the direction and power.
The more power you give a shot, the more unstable it will be. Instability will add a chance of the mortar exploding before it is fired, causing damage to the canon.
Enemy units will bounce back or explode when they are hit.
Having them bounce against other units will do further damage.
You will receive skill points as you level up. Use these to upgrade your gun, or invest in special abilities.
Momentum Missile Mayhem 2 is an online shooting game developed by DZ, and has been played 94885 times on
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