Bombs, even small ones, can contain tremendous power. It is very easy to cause lots of damage if all this power ends up in the hands of inexperienced individuals.
It is up to you to harness this explosive power and put it to good use. Create a chain reaction that progresses through the level. Make sure to cleanout any bombs that you find laying around, but leave anything else the way it should.
Place the bombs in the right spot to make all bombs in the field explode.
Do not blast any green crosses and make sure that all switches are green in the end.
Bombs will explode in different directions depending on the type.
You can place bombs on top of each other to combine them.
Two bombs or more of the same type will make it extra strong.
Two bombs of different type will combine into a bomb that explodes in all directions.
Bomb Chain Unlimited is an online puzzle game developed by Arcade Bomb, and has been played 74259 times on
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